Best Shunyata Power Cord for.,,

not that familiar with current or past product lines. looking for opinions as to their best HC cords that are pure and not for softening. To be used on an AQ Niagara 7000 and Agostino amp. The latest AQ cords way to stiff. I don’t want the crazy priced cords like Sigma etc. The new Alpha NR( list $1500) a good candidate or would an older model be better? Really would appreciate hearing from long term Shunyata guys.

Showing 5 responses by aniwolfe

I haven't heard the Alpha NR, but from what I have read, its a step up from the HC and it should. The Delta is also a good candidate at $700 new and would compete more directly with the HC. You can try the Alpha NR or Delta NR from Music Direct for 60 days and decide.
Within the last week, I saw about 5 Alpha HC’s for sale. They sell quick, but not rare really. This model sold well for Shunyata, since you are able to use it on any component. Certain cords like the King Cobra CX are much harder to find. So now the newer NR series is sorta like the Alpha HC , you can use it on any component without any drawbacks.
If you want unfiltered then get the Sigma EF. Its also even more flexible than the NR's.