Best Server To Run Roon Core

Hi Folks,

I don’t currently run ROON, but would like to begin correctly in order to give it a chance - and I understand that server (hardware) on which Roon core is installed is important for SQ (due to noise reduction and other factors).

What are the best hardware for SQ and usability where ROON core should be installed and why (be it audiophile dedicated servers or modified PCs)? Please comment on the rest of your setup for context if you could.

Thank you in advance.

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Showing 1 response by searchingforthesound

Check out mini Computers from Azulle if not going for a crazy server .  Very similar to the NUC that Roon builds .  Without multi processors will do the trick for a fraction of what all are speaking about here.  Roon is absolutley ripping off people selling an Intel NUc for stupid prices.  The Nucleus is an I3 4GB and the Plus is I7 8Gb .  All they are are mini computers from Intel/  .  I beleive Azulle discoed the I7s but the i5 should do just fine.  $400 add a drive all set. Could just go buy INtel Nuc also for 25% of Roons cost