Best SACD: Modwright OPPO vs Esoteric X03 series?

There seem to be about 5 of each available on Audiogon right now for about $3k +/- $300. I can maybe stretch my budget and lay my hands on cash in few days. In the mean time, I need to decide which type is likely to sound better. I am running a hodge-podge system made from a few 'over achievers' and a lot of attention to detail. Amps are 600w D-Sonic and the preamp is a W4S STP buffered passive. Speakers are 6.1 Genesis and most of my cabling is from Kaplan or his new Waevform Fidelity. I have no chance to audition either model as the Milwaukee area is kind of an audiophile dessert, and would appreciate hearing from anyone who has.

Showing 12 responses by missioncoonery

Esoteric X03 SE without a doubt..When additioning players I heard several including the Oppo and the modified version.Didnt even clome close to what the X03se does but it really comes down to what you want to hear.For me when I read anyone stating any digital is closer analog is simply foolish.Get a turntable if you want analog,thats what I did!
Im running Lessloss signature power cords..Nordost ICs with the Esoteric because I like the speed of their cables with digital.
I might add before you drop a ton of money on cables..The 03se really sounds great with stock power cord and cheap ICs.It might be more wise to buy entry level stuff of a good brand you like and spend the rest on music....or a turntable if your seeking "the analog experience"
Again as stated, I looked and listened to the MW oppo.Made no sense to me to take a $1300 inferior player ,do the mod which if not mistaken was $25-2600 at that time with a long list of "better option mods you can add to make It sound even better" to compete with what is already a great player right out of the crate.I never bought into the Harley buy it stock and spend a ton to make it sound and look cool.Esoteric was and still is a better made and better sounding player to me.
IMO, I would say yes of course..but I don't own the Oppo and never would so I have no experience on build quality and how it would hold up over the test of time..I do own the X03SE.It sounds great with any cables,a slew of different amps I own both SS and tube..........and not one issue!
IMO buying a product just because you spoke with or can speak with the owner of the company is foolish at best .I agree with Melbguy..A company based on modding another companys product has no validity to me as an innovator and not taken seriously...but the bottom line is what sounds the best and Esoteric blows that modded Oppo a out of the water IMO
Missioncoonery...I know that you are wrong, but I hope you feel better...

LOL...Im wrong? bought a player because you spoke with the owner of that company on the phone,,,yes Im wrong..and yes I do feel better lol
Ok..Sorry, I read your post totally wrong.I guess I didn't quite see when you compared the two side by side in an actually audio shoot out.I thought the fact you pointed out you called the owner and spoke with him and that made you feel safe as a buyer was where you were going with that,my mistake....really
So I too made a side by side audio comparison just like you did even though I must of skipped that in your post.Forgetting the fact the X03se isn't in production anymore and we are still making comparisons with new gear should make the point its a great player.Lets see in 5 years how you feel about the Oppo you bought,if its being compared to new gear and what its worth on the used market...but you do have me on I cant call the owner of Esoteric and ask him which player he recommends buying,lol
You assume I know nothing about the oppo modded unit which is not true,wow really....I actually compared the two side by side..Im doubting you've even heard the X03se so im taking all this as fluff from you....sorry, but I stand by my personal opinion on which is a better player overall ,which will hold its value better,which is better made....and which sounds better
I never said the Mod was better, all of that came from ur Mind...That tells me a

huh,ok if that's not what your saying why would you buy it?.are we back to the phone call,lol...heres the thing in my opinion...its a failed concept to begin with..Start with a player that's average in some minds and worse with others..throw a bunch of parts at it and charge what $2600 to make it sound good,,,but you can also add these upgrades to make it sound even better,lol that's ridiculous.Why would one fall for that,I guess some do but not me.Ill take a quality product from an established and amoung a lot of thinkers a pioneer in the field of digital.Esoteric