Best Rock Albums in 2009, so far

I would like to nominate the album: Keep It Hid - Dan Auerbach. From 2008 I reaaly liked Only by the Night - Kings of Leon

Showing 7 responses by bongofury

Second the Sonic Youth and Wilco albums. Also love the new live Coldplay "LeftRightLeftRightLeft" and Phoenix album from France.
Four are on heavy rotation in my house: Anthony Johnson, M. Ward, Animal Collective and the new U2.
Just picked up the Neko Case album: one of the best--easily knocks out the U2 and Animal Collective albums. Fantastic backing tracks by Matt Ward, Los Lobos and Calexico. What a beautiful voice!

Also love the retro feel of the Yeah Yeah Yeahs' new one, dropping next week. I have an advance copy and it is a huge step up over previous efforts. Reminds me of the best New Wave bands like Blondie. I suspect you will find both groups on the top of many year-end "best of 2009" lists.
I saw Booker back Neil Young in Europe, Summer 1993, with the entire MGs as the backup band. Booker loved the feel of those dates and tried to recreate this with Potato Hole. Neil returned a favor by contributing with this album. The shows are legendary in live touring circles. I caught five of the shows. Better than any shows I have seen with the Stray Gators and Crazy Horse. Always closed with a firery rendition of "All Along The Watchtower." Absolutely one of the tightest bands ever. There is an excellent article/interview with Booker in Wax Poetics Magazine you should track down that details this.
Here are my fave albums:

Sonic Youth The Eternal
Rancid Let the Dominos Fall
Pearl Jam Backspacer
Helado Negro Awe Owe
Dave Alvin Dave Alvin and the Guilty Women
Elvis Costello Secret, Profane & Sugarcane
Neko Case Middle Cyclone
Wilco Wilco
The Vines Melodia
Bat for Lashes Two Suns
Coldplay LeftRightLeft
Rural Alberta Advantage Hometowns
Phoenix Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix
Jack Johnson En concert
Chasing Kings The current state of our future
Kate Havnevik Unlike Me
Grizzly Bear Vackatimest
Yeah Yeah Yeahs It's Blitz!