Best Rock Album in 2010

So its finally landed, the third album by Rock duo JohnOssi, with John Engelbert on Guitar and Vocals and Oskar Bonde on drums.

Mavericks - JohnOssi

Last year i had the title Best Rock Album in 2009, so far and had my vote out for Black Keys man Dan Auerbach, this year I will drop the "so far" and stipulate that this is as good as it gets!

Please add your best for 2010, but lets keep it to albums released in 2010.

Showing 6 responses by synthfreek

I'm totally diggin' the new Phosphorescent album. They've added Memphis style horns and upped the tempo a bit for quite a change to their usual sound. Matthew's voice is still front and center.
That Wavves album that came out a few weeks ago is pretty decent. Some of the members of Jay Reatard's old band so it's kinda got that vibe .
Holy crap! I can't believe I haven't mentioned Tame Impala earlier. Innerspeaker is one incredible album and may end up as my pick for the year. You guys who think "they don't make good music anymore" might actually even like this one. Sounds like Lennon, Harrison, Dungen and the production style of The Flaming Lips in a blender.