Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?
One thing that I just recalled was that I read Darth Sidious is not actually a Sith. He was raised by the Sith. Darth Maul is an actual Sith. Maybe I should go back to some of this stuff. I used to go to a website(when the anticipation of Episode 1 was at its height) that really took this stuff seriously. I wonder how Lucas felt about them. As they had biographies on literally countless Jedi, from the thousand generations. Replete with all of the feuds, battles, accomplishments. Quite detailed, and fascinating. I presume they make this stuff up? I don't believe that it was liscensed. But, maybe so long as the content is good, the officials are OK with it. Less for them to write later...
Wow, did this get weird--I don't even know where to begin, so I'll go back to the beginning. Have always like Robert Harley because he is concise and logical, have come to like Michael Fremer, because he is right (mostly) about the virtues of vinyl, and can't stomach another Johnathan Scull with his endless 'cult of personality' prattle about J-10, K-10 and the Ribbon Chair. I read his reviews ONLY to see if he can somehow restrain himself from mentioning this precious ass cradle. Hasn't happened yet!
I am also revolted by J10's self-centeredness. Actually a lot of bloated-egophile reviewers regularly post on AudioAsylum, where you can verify what is being said here. Some equally egotistic equipment manufacturers and designers do to. And if I may, I will add to the list of reviewers I do not admire Mr Tom Gillet, a.k.a. Sam Tellig. His reviews usually read like "Special Advertising Sections". They are either intentionally skewed or unintentionally unconvincing.