Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?

Showing 5 responses by trelja

Can't stomach Michael Fremer more often than not. Favorites are Dick Olsher, Corey Greenberg, Wes Phillips, and Sam Tellig. Wish Sam was a bit more on point. Sometimes his reviews are as scattered as the fall leaves, but like(sometimes love) his style more often than not. Also, Jonathan Scull is the WORST out there. Can't like anything that costs less than $1000, unless it is something like a contact cleaner.
Tubegroover, Emperor Palpatine is the Emperor from the Star Wars trilogy(episodes 4 to 6, "A New Hope", "The Empire Strikes Back", and "Return of The Jedi"). In last year's "Episode 1: The Phantom Menace", he is still a senator. In Episode 1, he is also(secretly) Darth Sidious, leader of the Sith. He trains Darth Maul, and later will seduce Anakin Skywalker to the Dark Side, becoming Darth Vader(and completing the young Jedi's training in the ways of the Force). Watch in the upcoming two episodes for his ascent to the throne. I absolutely CANNOT stand science fiction, but the Star Wars story is incredibly powerful to me. So much there. A galactic story of a Samurai feud/warriors. A man's life gone wrong(through weakness and bad decisions), which only can redeemed by the strength and love of his only son. Incredible religious overtones(both Eastern and Judeo-Christian). Etc., etc., etc...
I believe that there are contradictions in all people, if this is in fact a contradiction. Star Wars is referred to be a great many people as science fiction for the rest of us. I have come across no science fiction enjoyable to me, other than the Star Wars series. I have found everything else to utterly BORE me(among other things). NO apologies. Being that you cannot stand people who cannot stand science fiction, then you cannot stand me. That does not(and CANNOT) hurt me at all. I love all of the things you list about Star Wars. And while you go making statements about me philosophically(ant in an anthill), you ought to give thought to what it requires to really understand what another person is about(which is not possible from what I or anyone else offers on this site). If you refer back to Episode 1, one of the two Trade Federation pawns(Nute Gunray or whatever his name was) did specicifically address the later to be Emperor as Darth Sidious. I also share your leanings towards what will later transpire. Although, I have read in Newsweek that a potential plot is that Anakin's mom gets wacked, and it's at the hand of a Jedi. In one of those "official" books that explain the characters, etc. of the original trilogy, the Darth Vader "life support system" is explained as being necessary due to him falling into a pit of molten something during a fight with his former master, Obi Wan Kenobi. We'll see. I know I can't wait.
All valid points Carl. Perhaps that's why we so look forward to the next movie. I have been feeling these things since Episode 4(1977?), always so many unanswered questions. As soon as you leave the movie, you are already are monstrously craving the next. It must be analogous to the way people get hooked on something. Maybe this is why I haven't gotten into any other science fiction. Not only sci-fi, but almost everything else in tv, movies, etc. never gives me that feeling. I do remember that Hill Street Blues had me hating that the show had ended every week. Many people feel this way about soap operas, but I don't have time for them. Thanks for your perspectives, you DEFINITELY planted more seeds in my head. Can't wait till Episode 2!
One thing that I just recalled was that I read Darth Sidious is not actually a Sith. He was raised by the Sith. Darth Maul is an actual Sith. Maybe I should go back to some of this stuff. I used to go to a website(when the anticipation of Episode 1 was at its height) that really took this stuff seriously. I wonder how Lucas felt about them. As they had biographies on literally countless Jedi, from the thousand generations. Replete with all of the feuds, battles, accomplishments. Quite detailed, and fascinating. I presume they make this stuff up? I don't believe that it was liscensed. But, maybe so long as the content is good, the officials are OK with it. Less for them to write later...