Best reviewers

Who are in your opinion the best reviewers out there ? Whether it be from stereophile, TAS or an audio forum, you surely have a few reviewers that you trust and respect. I nominate Robert E. Greene from The Absolute Sound as the best reviewer. He understands live music, knows how to describe what he hears, and appears to be impartial. Your choice ?

Showing 1 response by jacks0395

The Best reveiwer would be one whose ONLY payment would be from the magazine at a price per article. The ideal reveiwer wouldn't recieve FREE or discounted product from manufacturers in exchange for a good reveiw. The ideal reveiwer wouldn't be seen selling mega dollar components 6 months after a, "This is the best thing in the World" reveiw. The ideal magazine wouldn't rely on advertising dollars to keep afloat. A magazine without politics. A magazine of truths.