Best relatively Compact Speakers in $2000 range??

I love my Revel F30s, but the room I have them in is very small and as many of you know the F30s are VERY bulky - not to mention they really need to be spaced from the back wall. Is there a more compact alternative in the $2000 (used) range that will give me similar performance, especially the pristine voice coil and exceptional bass extension of the F30s?? I'm also a great fan of the F30s treble adjustment, as I prefer a more natural, mellow sound. I've heard mention of the ProAc Response 3s but I have yet to find any dimensional information on them. Other suggestions?? System info: Citation 5.1 bridged amp/Conrad Johnson PV-10AL Pre/Music Hall CD-25/music meter ICs/Harmonic Tech wire

Showing 1 response by wmcmanus

It might help if you defined just how "compact" you're looking for by providing us with some suggestive maximum dimensions. Also, how far form the rear wall can they be safely placed without interfering with your room design? I'd suggest to look for somehting that is not rear ported, but nothing comes to mind quickly.