Best Recordings

It seems today's music artists don't really care about the quality of their recordings; it seems many of them produce recordings for boom box or car stereo.

What are some of the best recordings?

Showing 2 responses by ben_campbell

Well Jxl that's quite a claim,of course there are many of today's artists who do care about how their music sounds and of course there are artists who maybe are only concerned with selling records.
There are also interesting artists who may be trying to do something different with their music and may not fit your idea of what constitutes a good recording or even good young bands with not the money to get a decent recording done.
Your question is so vague as to be almost meaningless.
Have you any type of particular music in mind?
If not consider Radiohead in the alternative rock field.
Ryan Adams in the alternative country/singer songwriter field.
Metallica in the heavy metal field.
Eva Cassidy in the popular field.
Madonna in the pop field.
The White Stripes,Jeff Buckley,Rufus Wainwright etc etc,jings even the last Dylan album is well recorded.
If none of this fits the bill there is enough new reissues etc. to sink a boat-Simon &Garfunkel,Pink Floyd,Nick Drake,Miles Davis,Roxy Music,Bowie,Steely Dan Led Zeppelin,Frank Sinatra etc etc.
You might even consider buying a music monthly like Mojo and reading about music you might like to hear and you know take a chance on something.
Interestingly enough one of this years best releases has a poor production they are a young band from New York called The Strokes.
To me it's about music.
You'll find many of what I listed above will not be considered good recordings by other people.
Is that kind of world...sometimes you gotta find your own way........

Travis I wasn't being snotty merely trying to coax Jxl.
He really gives no indication of what type of music he likes and of course I did recommended no less than 5 releases from 2001(The Strokes,The White Stripes,Bob Dylan,Rufus Wainwright and Radiohead).
As you point out (as I did) what constitutes a good recording is a very contentious issue,on the subject of Miles Davis in my opinion despite the obvious tape splices I consider Bitches Brew not only an amazing collection of music but fantastically well recorded-you may be more of a purist or more technically atuned to what makes a good recording but neither of us would be wrong in our conclusion.
I also love the recording of Kind Of Blue.
Likewise what's the point of me recommending some electronica,hip-hop,jazz or heavy metal if he doesn't like these types of music?
A simple indication of his tastes would have made his query easier.
Although if you reread my original posting I do give a wide range of music to consider,more than any other reply.
If somebody had posted they had $50000 to spend on a system but they considered most lifestyle systems rubbish then he might have been accused of trolling and you could be sure the replies would ask "valves,vinyl,digital,size of room"?
I love well recorded music and I did agree he had a point about some modern recordings.
In fact even the term "modern recording" is pretty vague-last year,95,91?
Also the recommendation of music itself is very contentious-if you like Pink Floyd,I could recommend OK Computer by Radiohead but you might not like the singers voice...some people will find Eva Cassidy banal but I don't..
I did try to help but was merely pointing out at the end of the day Jxl will need to do some work on his own,listening or researching.
Oh another recommendation Motherland by Natalie Merchant that came out this year......