Best reasonably priced classic hi-end tuner

Hi fellow Audiogoners - I am looking for a classic FM tuner that won't break the bank. I understand the early McIntosh tuners such as the MR 67, 71 and 78 are highly regarded but there are conflicting opinions as to which sounds best. I would love a Marantz 1O B, but i don't have $3,000 to spend. I welcome your timely thoughts on the Mac's and am open to other suggestions as well.
Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by almarg

If you can do without the more substantial construction and appearance of the McIntosh's, the H. H. Scott tube tuners shown at the link Viridian provided should certainly be considered.

I've owned a few of them, though not the highest end models (the 310E and 4310, which are in the Marantz 10B type of price class). Among those I've owned, the 310D, when used with an external stereo multiplex adapter (Scott 335 or LM35, or Fisher MPX100) particularly stands out.

To put that in context, its sound quality approached that of two 10B's I've owned, although of course its sensitivity did not (nor did the sensitivity of many other vintage tuners I've owned, including an MR71; the 1954 REL Precedent I currently use is the only tuner in my experience that is competitive with the 10B in terms of weak signal reception capability).

If you want to consider vintage tube tuners and you happen across one of the external multiplex adapters I mentioned, grab it, although it may cost upwards of $300 if in top condition. It would broaden your choices of tuner to include the many models that were made ca. 1960 that are mono in themselves but provide a multiplex output signal from which the multiplex adapter will extract the stereo. Those tuners sell for considerably less than their slightly later counterparts that provide stereo in one chassis, while providing similar performance.

-- Al