Best Ratios for a Newly Constructed Listening Room

Hey there all,

I have an open basement, above ground, and I'm looking to complete a suitable and dedicated listening room. Unfortunately my ceiling will be limited to almost exactly 7'3" in height by the time I install a floating ceiling. The widest I can make my listening room will be 14' and the depth (length) limited between 14' and 20'.

Any ideas on the best possible room dimensions?
Actually Reuben - It just occurred to me after my last post that you might be setting a multi-channel theater system versus 2-channel stereo only for music.  If that's the case then my advice above probably won't work if you're doing a 5.1, 7.1, 9.1, etc.  If the latter is the case, you're going to want to orient the listening room lengthwise so you have room for your side and rear surrounds with your listening position roughly in the center of the room.

Thanks Greg, but I thought the last thing you'd want to do would be to offset the distance between the speakers and the adjacent walls? Ref. "Cardas listening room"...

there are lots of other concerns, so some general searching might be best