Best radio station to find dif. music.

I thought it might be of interest to find great sources of music on the air. My favorite radio station is WFUV in the Bronx, NY. Listener sponsered radio from Fordham University. It is public radio, no commercials. Streaming audio, so you can listen around the world. WFUV.Org click on LISTEN NOW. National Public Radio, Echoes, new age, Greatful Dead Hour every Fri at 11pm. Rare recordings. Interviews with great artists, who perform live in the studio. Live "Mountain Stage" concerts Fri afternoon from West Virginia, I think. They put out great live albums. I am listening right now to a live interview with Dion, doing Springsteen's Book of Dreams. Great. They are all over the place, and a great source to find things you won't hear on commercial radio. If you become a member, you can even go to free concerts around NY, once a month. Great music Mon. through Fri. On weekends you'll hear Celtic, big band, polkas and news live from Rome, Italy, along with readings, interviews and Fordham Univesity Football. They get me so excited, I wanted to share it.
Too bad i can't get WFUV! It sounds interesting! I would have to go with Knpr, public station and "Hearts of Space", and of course "Echoes!" It's been 10 years, since dial tone haven't been moved, from that station!
Try, a small community radio station in Tucson, Az. That can either be the best, most ecclectic station you've ever heard or total garbage. If its garbage check back in 10 mins.
Try WXPN in Philadelphia. They have Mountain Stage, the Grateful Dead Hour, an incredible blues show on Saturday nights, folk music on Sundays, Echoes late night on weekends, a nightly kid's show and they are the home of "Live At the World Cafe".