Best "album" of 2006

I know we are only 6 weeks into 2006, but what are your best albums of 2006. I remember in the past, certain print magazines claiming Wilco YFH and Bright Eyes I'm wide awake ... were the best albums of those years as early as January. So, for fun ... what 2006 CD or LP is constantly rotating in your system.

For me, NME has finally got it right... the Arctic Monkeys are living up to their hype ... great CD ... between the 17 feet of new snow in Whistler during January and the Arctic Monkeys playing inside my Giro Fuse helmet, I couldn't erase the smile off my face.

Other good early albums:
Cat Power ... the greatest
Belle & Sebastian The Life Pursuit
Beth Orton Comfort of Strangers
Jenny Lewis with the Watson twins Rabbit Fur Coat

I need to slow down on my CD purchases ... THere is not enough time to listen to my older CD's from 2005.

Showing 1 response by dogteal

This is a pretty easy decision for me. With out a doubt my favorite album of 2006 is
Danielson - Ships.

Perhaps it is the way that you can delve into this album and find an abundance of new sounds and instruments through out the 12 stunning tracks. Or it could be the whimsical word play, and at times down right gorgeous lyrics. I think it is a combination of these things, which stem from the fact that Daniel Smith (lead singer) so effortlessly ties all of this together with out coming off as gimmicky or contrived.

I have this album in my top 10 of this decade already among classics like Radiohead 'Kid A' and 'Amnesiac', Modest Mouse 'Moon and Antarctica', Arcadefire 'Funeral'.

I know I can not do this album justice trying to explain it, so if you are at all interested check out this link and down load the song "Did I Step On Your Trumpet?"

Happy listening!