best preamps in the 4K-8K range

I'm looking for some opinions on preamps. My current system is: Ayre Cx-7 CD player, Arcam AV8 preamp, Cary 500 MB monoblocks (currently using arcam P7 preamp, but have the Carys on order), Dali euphonia MS4 speakers, Richard Gray Power. I find m current system nice, but slightly analytical, and not as 3-dimentional as I'd like. I'd also like some more musicality with a touch of warmth. I have been thinking about BAT, Cary, Herron and Pass labs preamps--some would need to be picked up used on audiogon to stay in my price range. I would certainly appreciate any thoughts on what might go well with my system from any audiogoners. Thanks

Showing 1 response by soundwise

there is only one which is used as the in store reference of many in the industry. CAT! untouchable for the value and the phono stage is better than Audio Research Ref Phono which is one of the few decent sounding products that ARthat they made. Check with postings as far as tube rolling. Older units give you more flexibility. Newer ultimates change to amperex ,noisy midrange heaven though and bass less control. tradeoffs !tradeoffs!highend audio!!!goog luck..with alot more dough asthetix, KOndo ,this is next level...good luck