currently on audiogon are some very nice pre's from joule well under your price point. before you buy amy of the units mentioned please do yourself a favor and listen to a joule 100 or 150. you'll have to spend a heap of money to do better. and I mean a heap..... and no, I do not have one for sale but I do listen to one every day
best preamps in the 4K-8K range
I'm looking for some opinions on preamps. My current system is: Ayre Cx-7 CD player, Arcam AV8 preamp, Cary 500 MB monoblocks (currently using arcam P7 preamp, but have the Carys on order), Dali euphonia MS4 speakers, Richard Gray Power. I find m current system nice, but slightly analytical, and not as 3-dimentional as I'd like. I'd also like some more musicality with a touch of warmth. I have been thinking about BAT, Cary, Herron and Pass labs preamps--some would need to be picked up used on audiogon to stay in my price range. I would certainly appreciate any thoughts on what might go well with my system from any audiogoners. Thanks