Best Preamp under $5k??

I think around $5k is the reflection point of value/price ratio for preamps--or mostly any audio equipment maybe except speakers--where beyond this point, you would have to spend thousands more to improve just a little. What is the best preamp under $5k--tube or solid state?? Some popular ones are sf line 3, bat vk5i, arc ls25, simaudio p-5, plinius m16. Personally I have a cj pfr which I like quite a bit, but sooner or later it will be upgraded...
The EAD Ovation costs $4500 and cannot be beat for simple stereo listening and is a phenomenal surround processor w/ video switching. It has a clear upgrade path (Ovation+ and Signature). I'd highly recommend it. Their website, with a slew of links to reviews by Stereophile,etc is
If you need a phono stage... Hovland HP-100

If you only need a linestage... Emotive Audio Sira
Not sure about SS gear but I agree that 5K will get the job done when it comes to tube preamps. My vote goes to the SF Line 3. I never feel that I am missing something or that I wished that it sounded different. At less than 3K for a mint used unit it is a best buy IMO.