Best preamp under 5k for Krell amp

I have acquired a brand new Krell FPB 300c amp and with what little money I have left I need a preamp. I will be powering Martin Logan SL3 speakers. All advice appreciated.
I have a Krell FPB200 and am running it with a Sonic Frontiers Line 2 tube preamp, and it sounds great. The combination of solid state and tube is a good way to go. I know of a lot of other guys also running this combinatoion with good success. I have Dunlavy SCIV's, but I did listen to your set up ant a local dealer, and it sounded pretty good. Also, I am thinking of making the home theater jump (Meridian), so I might be selling my SF preamp.
audio8, don't sell the pre yust cuz yer gonna get the h-t rig - run it thru the processor bypass of yer pre. yer 2-channel audio will sound better that way...
Thanks to everyone for your informative posts. You have given my much to look into.
Tcmod, I think Proacman's suggestion on the Hovland is an excellent choice. If you feel the Krell could use a bit more body and dimensionality along with a seductive if not accurate tonality, this could be a great match.
I like the all tube Audio Research Preamps with Krell. Another solid state solution is the Pass Labs x-0 or x-1. They give you tube sound without the tubes. Good luck.