Best preamp/processor for audio and home theater?

Until now I kept my highend audio gear (Forsell Air Reference CD transport, Audio Synthesis D/A converter, Krell KRC preamp as a run-through component linked to my Yamaha DSP-A1 processor for the home theater. Since I plan to change to a DLP projector with component output, I need to replace the Yamaha processor with a processor that can handle the component inputs. At the same time I would like to get rid of the preamp/converter 'branch' of my system and replace it with a processor that provides highend audio on 2 channels and may be more channels. It looks that the Lexicon MC-12, the Classe SSP-75 or the Integra RDC-7 are possible choices. Has anyone suggestions and experience with those processors especially regarding their highend audio qualities (including using them as a D/A converter for a CD transport)or any other idea to combine 3 components into 1 ?

Showing 2 responses by rogerwalk

Ton1313, thank you very much for your thoughtful comments. One of my problems is that apparently no one has reviewed the Lexicon MC-12 yet and I am not sure the comparison to the MC-1 is fair. You confirm the great performance of the Integra as a surround processor - my main concern is how good is it as a preamp for 2-channel audio? Does the RDC-7 have a pre-out (coax or balanced) to use an external audio preamp and amp to run the 2 main channels for highend 2-channel audio?
I have the same objective you have, i.e. to get rid of some components but keep the high audio quality. Im am not sure that there is at this time any surround processor that REPLACES a highend chain between a CD transport and the amp. My current Yamaha DSP-A1 processor definitely does not. So I run the CD transport's digital signal into an Audio Synthesis DAX2 D/A converter, its analog signal into a Krell KRC preamp and its 2 channel outputs into a Krell KSA-300S amp. When I run DVDs, the 2 main channels exit the Yamaha pre-out into another input of the Krell KRC preamp and then into the Krell amp. When I switch the only thing I have to change is the volume of the preamp to adapt to the 2 main channels to the output of the others (5.1). Works really well for both audio 'pure' and movie 5+1 sound. Disadvantage: lots of components. Have you tried this for comparison of your inbord and outbord DAC/preamp ?