Best Preamp New or Used up to $3,000 ??

Okay I am listening. The models I am looking at are:
Audible Illusions L3 .$2,000+
Aesthetic Calypso.$2,000+.
Prima Luna Dialogue $2,200
EAR 834L.$1,700.
Benchmark LA4 (New) $2,600.
McIntosh 2500.$4,000 (Over budget but has tone controls and Phono stage)
Other Equipment: Cary MK 120-s, Oppo 205, Older Tannoys FSMs-very efficient.
Music I enjoy: Vocals, 70 db, Near field position.
So if you have owned any of the above, please share your experience.
I am attracted to these brands as they seem to place value on things related to musicality.
Separate quality Power supply, Dual Mono setup, Quality components. Remotes (except EAR)
So what am I not valuing that I should be?
Thanks in advance.


Showing 1 response by ianderson

A lot of good suggestions above. One thing, where you said this...

Separate quality Power supply, Dual Mono setup, Quality components. Remotes (except EAR)

Are you saying you want reco’s with these attributes? Would we assume no Phono ever? For now I’ll ussume not.

As always, system synergy, and matching the owners musical priorities are key. Nothing I can say should get in the way your experimenting and finding your own way.

Not mentioned thus far:

MFA Lumi 
ASL Flora
Coincident CLS

Some of the above could have Phono included in them. A few, depending on where in a manufacturers lineup they are may be within the budget, where other might stretch it slightly.

if you’ve got some fun money to try something out, buy it used, live with it and see it make you heart sing. If not keep changing it up until you can pinpoint the one. I owned 4 of the above plus a Modwright and a Audio Research. All have there strengths and weaknesses. My journey found that my ear really seamed to prefer 6SN7 based Pre’s more than the others. I found what works for me. I hope you can find your utopia. While you might find inspiration here on the boards, nothing will better in home evaluations first hand. Good luck with the journey!