Best Preamp for under $1750.00

Seeking recommendations for a preamp in the $750 to $1750 range. Balance of system consists of Aerial 8's, Bryston 7B's, and CAL CL-15. Room acoustics and speakers would favour lean over lush; I'm looking for something musical without being on the "warm" side. Music preferences include acoustic, jazz, and rock. Will re-cable according to final selections
The best inexpensive pre-amp on the market? Most of the audio reviewers would say the Adcom GFP-750. "Class A" rated by Stereophile, and a true bargain at $1250 MSRP.
On the used market you might be able to locate a Presence Audio preamp. They are all good, some of the models just sound better.
It has to be Morrison ELAD!
Please see the reviews at
After you are finished auditioning preamps, try the CAT Signature MKllor MKlll. I think you will quickly make your decision. However, I would hear all the others first