Best preamp for Dynaco 70: Tube, SS, or passive?

What preamplifier matches best with a stock Dynaco ST-70 and acoustic suspension speakers (Boston Acoustics A-100's)?

Showing 2 responses by clueless

Well... there is no "best." Lots of tube pres work great. One of the really nice things about 70s is that they are so tweakable and there is a lot of support on the net if you are learning. Are you into DIY at all? I suggest a Bottlehead Foreplay Kit at $150. (

Lots of great tweaks on a 70 available too. You can upgrade your system without ever leaving home! Check out and Triode Electronics at

If you have an old Dyno it's great to have a soldering iron.(not brain surgery)

Sincerely, I remain
Gthrush1: that's what I (an old PAS)use in w/ mine! I hesitate to tell folk to use what I do because tastes differ but your right - it's obvious and it works! I use mine in my shop and everytime I listen to it reminds me how far the industry has not come and how much money you do not have to spend to get a musical system. I really think the Dyna is a classic. When I bought my new stuff I could not bear to sell it and I have never regretted that decision.

I remain,