Best preamp for CAT JL2 amplifier

I will be using ARC LS15 with CAT JL2 for a while (and damn! will have to use XLR to RCA adaptors) . But I know, sooner or later I'm going to change the pre-amp. What is a best preamp for CAT JL2 amplifier?
You might get more responses if you posted this in the appropriate forum.....

I'll be looking into this myself in the near future, starting with the current CAT preamps. I don't have any information to share at the moment, unfortunately.
PS, I just remembered that Audiogon member Jafox posted some related information on a previous thread. As I recall, he ended up using Aesthetix stages with the Signature version of JL-3s. You should be able to locate the posting in an archive search.
Hovland and Jadis JP S2 work well with the Cat JL2. I also suspect the Audio note preamps will sound excellent and be a good match. I did not care for the Cat Ultimate Mk 2 mating with the JL2 but others may feel diferently or have a different view.

Eavr11: I tried several times yesterday to reply to your message to me earlier this week but my cable ISP kept responding back that your email address provider was not accepting the message. So earlier today, I sent my reply to you through the A'gon system. My reply was not in response to the LS15 that you are using. If you would like more detail with this model, send me another note.