Best preamp for atma sphere m60 under $3000 used?

I considered the mp3 and the mp1, one is too expensive the other I will always wonder if I can do better. What preamp will bring me over the top?
I make my purchases very carefully and rarely sell anything, the m60 will not be going anywhere, and I would like to choose a preamp that I can do the same, hold onto for a long long time.
It needs to be balanced and with tubes. Also from a company that has a good reputation. I would welcome a remote too.

Showing 8 responses by pedrillo

The sim just didn't do what the atma sphere does!!!
The window was open as it is now,I didn't know I was lacking oxygen,.
I am very pleased, all this air and detail and bloom, and a nice grainy feel!
I am looking for used and can spend up to $3000.00, but gladly would prefer to spend less. I am open to any brand.
I was wondering what will not be beaten by any other preamp. I really want the mp1, based on what I have read it was preffered to the arc ref3. That's quite a statement.
Thanks all for helping out.
regarding phono stages I already own three and would welcome atma' phono for comparison and options.
I am quite certain an atma preamp will be in my system in the near future.
It's just that I want to have the best(mp-1) and right now it's out of my budget.
So it'll end up being the mp-3 probably unless a miracle happens.
Can anyone comment on bat's vk 3ix?
I read somewhere in a review it's good but lacks that last bit of transaprency.
If that is the case I will pass on it.
I forgot to mention I like to make lasting purchases, hence the million questions on matching preamp.
Also I really want to stick with true balanced design and would prefer to have remoted unit.
Also am considering the arc ls17 or cary slp03.
Out of all of these the mp3, arc ls17, aesthetix calypso, cary slp 03, bat vk 3ix, Jeff Rowland Capri, Pass x? Which one will give me the most?
Or should I wait and save up for the mp1 and live with my sim p-5 which I admire very very much?
Darn, I was hoping the cary would be highly recommended. The cary is the least expensive of the bunch.
Just out of curiousity can anyone predict what the sim will sound like when paired with the m60's?
As of now it is the best pre I have ever had, but it is the only high end one I have owned. Prior to this I had an onkyo p304 and a nakamichi.
Thanks for the help :~)
Reason I ask, is one option is to get an mp3 for the time being, but I'ld rather forego the buying and selling of a temporary preamp while waiting for the mp1 to show up at my price point and when the funds are there.
Also thank you all for the advice!
Well the m60's arrived safely(thank the life force) and I can't believe how good tubes sound my oh my, f#$% incredible, why didn't I go with tubes before??????????
Now I know I will be going with atma sphere preamp only!