Best preamp for and EAR890 / ESL57 rig

Hello folks, I own a EAR890 amplifier, which drives a pair of Piquet restored Quad ESL57 (that in turn sit on a pair of dipole Gradient woofers, driven by an Acurus250 amplifier). I am currently using a pretty good Klyne SK-6 preamp, but I was thinking to move to a tube preamplifier. What do you recommend? My instinct would be to try either the Shindo Aurieges (around $3K) or the new EAR 868 ($5K). Any recommendation? thanks. Giovanni

Showing 1 response by frankg

Giovanni. I took delivery of an 868 line only about a month ago. I took a chance and bought it on Bob Levi's high recommendation. I love it. It's dead quiet and more musical than my previous ARC Ref. 3.

Output impedance is 600 ohm. It's a balanced design, transformer coupled in and out with de Paravincini's famous transformers. Same circuit as the 912 but without the extras. I wouldn't be supprised if it sounds better than the 912 since less in the circuit. Only 2 tubes to worry about and the 7dj8's are cheaper than the 6dj8/6922 tubes. If you already have some nice NOS 6dj8's, you can use them also. I'm using a pair of 1957 Philips Holland pinched waist 7dj8's. When I have some time, I'll experiment with other tubes but for now I'm not inclinded to. Looks great with the chrome faceplate and knobs.

Caveats: Cheap plastic remote for volume only and no volume readout. But hey, for the money I'm not complaining.

I'm running a playback Designs MPS-5 into the 868 and then into Lamm 1.2 REF. mono's.