Best Pre-Amp with Phono Stage

I'm looking for a great Pre-amp, mainly for it's Phono stage. I want to stay around $3000.00 used. A little about my system: I'm using a Sim audio Moon W-5 into B&W N802's, Nordost SPM cables with quatro fil interconnects. I need a great Phono Pre-amp. My digital is a Wadia 860, and I run that direct into the amp, so that isn't a concern. Please help.
The Atma Sphere is a good pre amp, as is the expensive Vac signature. The Cat in its many iterations is a great unit. However the best Ive heard is the 2box NYAL NCP11 which shows up once in a while on ag. The bottom octave is hard to find, as it is correctly in most analog systems. Try and listen to the Melos too. There have been few real improvements in preamps that are real consumer products in many years.
I own Atmasphere Ma 1s and sonic frontiers SFL1, and want to upgrade to a balanced pre. MP1 or sonic frontiers? any opinion on sticking with fully balanced Pre?
Hey do you know where I can get this pre-amp. I had one 10 years ago and like a fool I got rid of it for something newer, but not better.
BVaudio P1 is a definitelly candidate. XLRs INs and OUTs, tape OUT, SUB OUT, fully remote controlled, programmable function, digitally controlled, excellent value for the money. You won't find anything similar around this price.
Look into EAR 864 tube preamp with their incredible phono section. New for slightly over three. I don't think you will find any used.People keep them. Check with Audiogon dealer Jay at Audio revelation.