best pre-amp for less than 1000

I have gone Vinyl and now realize what everyone has been saying. Sure analog is more labor intensive but the rewards are also greater. For lack of a better term, analog has "soul", something that even the most ridiculously expensive digital play back systems lacks! Anyways, I have a Rega Plana 25 with RB600 arm and ClearAudio Aurum Beta "S" cartridge (what a combo for the price!). I am using a Bel Canto Evo 200.2 amp and frankly have been disappointed with the amp. Why?, no soul! Anyways, I am using the phono section of a Pioneer Elite reciever (yes you heard me right) I tried the EAR 834, but ouccchhhh, it was horrible sounding. I don't know if it was the particular unit I had but the sound was dead, congested and mostly very dark and VEILED! The Pioneer sounds better. But, I am thinking I can get more from the records if I had a better Phono Stage. So help me out guys. Here is what I am looking for: A detailed, open, airy, large soundstage, transparent and most of all MUSICALLY ENGAGING phono stage (stand-alone phono stage or part of a preamp) that costs less than 1K!!! Yes, you heard it right, less than 1K (I would definately consider used gear). Thank you in advance for your suggestions.

Showing 1 response by bryanrea

I noticed your question and offer you to consider a Muse Model One preamp that I'm selling. It has a wonderful MC phono stage (I don't know if your cartridge is low output MC).It's an excellent preamp. I don't want to give a sales pitch, but you might do a little research on this preamp. I listed it in the solid state preamp ads. Thanks.