Best Powersnake for ARC Tube Monoblocks

After reading all the raves about Powersnakes I'm trying to determine which model would give the highest level of performance on ARC VTM 200 monoblocks(ARC's brand new model) A dealer I know well and whose opinion on wire I greatly respect feels that EG Fatman is the best cord for amps. Let me know your opinions.

Showing 1 response by ejlif

I recently got Viper v2s for my Pass Aleph 2 monos and I must say I am absolutely thrilled. I already had purchased a King Cobra for my Wadia CD player and was so impressed I got the Vipers for the amps. The improvement was of the magnitude that I got from the King Cobra. The sound gained a wonderful liquidity, smooth and detailed (I didn't think that was possible) the real diffrence was the way images were improved. Every sound now has such a definate place in space. I was skeptical and nervous when I first tried the King Cobra after spending that kind of money on a power cord. It was so obviously better than the Harmonic Tech Cord I replaced. I consider the Powersnakes in my sytem every bit as important as any of my major components.