Best Powered Monitors

I´m loocking for powered Monitors. Please let me know your opinion about Adam, Genelec or Dynaudio. How Pro-audio monitors sound in comparation with Hi-End monitors ?
I heard a pair of Genelec and they sound very well. I think that I must spend a lot of money to get this sound in a Hi- End system.
Thank you for your opinions.

Showing 1 response by niki_69

What is your budget? At $500 max,look for Yamaha MSP 5(avoid anything else).At $1000-KRK vxt 6-8,Yamaha MSP 7,Event asp 8.Mackie HR are worth checking too.Adam A7 are very revealing,due to the ribbon tweeter.Also check the new JBL 2xxx series.Between $1000 and $2000-Focal CMS 65,Quested S8.Above $2000-Focal and Genelec,s are very good.You,ll need subwoofers.Check the new line of Epik sealed subs.2 studio monitors+2 subs can sound very,very good.TREAT YOUR ROOM ACOUSTICS(bass traps on all corners+multiband on the reflection points).Good luck.