Best Powered Monitors

I´m loocking for powered Monitors. Please let me know your opinion about Adam, Genelec or Dynaudio. How Pro-audio monitors sound in comparation with Hi-End monitors ?
I heard a pair of Genelec and they sound very well. I think that I must spend a lot of money to get this sound in a Hi- End system.
Thank you for your opinions.

Showing 2 responses by hoggshead

IMHO the best powered monitors are ATC. Just remember studio monitors are designed to give the listener a clear window into the recording. There should be very little or no coloration. Many find studio monitors a little flat and unemotional sounding for stereo play-back.

I have Genelec and ATC. Genelec is more colored and easier to live with. The ATC's are ruthlessly revealing. However, with the proper ancillaries, the ATC are wonderful.
