Have you now had enough exposure to the boulder 850 mono to make comparisons with Ayre V1xe and pass 350.5. I ask because i'm considering using one of the above mentioned to drive Lipinski L707. C5xe and Aesthetix calypso. Any thoughts??
Best power amp for Avalon Opus Ceramique
Trying to downsize my system to a speaker/power-amp/ cd-player set-up (with digital volume control e.g. Wadia 581, Audio Aero Prestige or EMM Labs).
Which power amp (ss or tube) in the range 5k-10k is recommended to use with Avalon ?
Will ICE powerd amps like BelCanto, JRDG or NuForce work as well ?
Which power amp (ss or tube) in the range 5k-10k is recommended to use with Avalon ?
Will ICE powerd amps like BelCanto, JRDG or NuForce work as well ?