Best player for Spotify

Hello to all. Forgive me if this is not the right topic for this discussion. I stream music quite a bit, and am using Spotify which my daughters gave me as part of a family plan. Right now , I am using my phone or iPad  for Spotify. I would like to use a dedicated "device." I would like to know some pros or cons to the following devices I am considering:  Sonos or Paradigm PW or Blusound Node 2.  If there are any other ideas you have that would be great. I am using a seperate amplifier and pre amp which are older and so does not have Spotify connect built in. Thankx,


Showing 1 response by jayvis

The Node 2 would be an excellent low cost starting point for you. It has a very good high speed processor and a decent built-in DAC. If you're willing to spend more, the Cambridge Audio 851N would be a good upgrade. I currently have one in my main system and am enjoying it. It's internal DAC is a definite upgrade from the Node 2 and it can double as a very good digital pre-amp which may be an upgrade over your current preamp, as long as you don't need any analog inputs for CD, tuner or turntable.