best pink floyd dark side cd

what cd version of dark side of the moon offers the best sonics

Showing 2 responses by kacz

I bought a gold disc from MFSL for $5 that sounds superb. Very clean and smooth sounding. quite amazing without even considering it was recorded in 1973.
Hey take it easy MFSLGOLDCD. I have know idea what it's worth and I don't care. I found it used for $5 and all I know is I like the album and it sounds really good. I didn't even know it was gold until I got it home. That was about 4 years ago and the first time I ever saw a gold CD. So yeah I guess I scored big. Anyhow that's not the point of this thread. The point is it has sounded good on all the gear I have had the last 4 years and I recommend it. It has great imaging with tube like softness but not to soft. The mix and tone is perfect for the type and style of the music on the album.