Best phono preamp? Want world class the best

I recently started to listen to vinyl, my set up is clear audio emotion table/arm grado cartridge. For phono stage I am using an ear834 deluxe.I was happy with what I was hearing on my merlins driven by sim w-5. Until I brought my ear to a show room to compare to new components, on first listening it appeared the same but then I realized there was a sense of life like sound on his $7000.00 martinson phono. This is just to high of a price for me. I am seeking to get the best sound out there, the martinson is solid state so I realized I don't have to go with tubes. My budget is up to $2000.00 for used, BUT I want the best sound possible. I will be upgrading table and cartidge soon.

Showing 1 response by stevecham

Pedrillo, that phono stage you have is an excellent one. Are you sure you are not in that zone of "gotta have something else?" The reason I ask is that you didn't mention the rest of the system that you heard that $7K phono stage with. Could it be that it was the SYSTEM that convinced you to desire a COMPONENT and if so, perhaps upgrading your cartridge or other component could be the single most cost-effective means to improve your SYSTEM.

I too often get into that "mode" and am just trying to prevent you from falling into a situation I have found myself in more than once; the outcome that, after I installed an expensive component, I was sure would tremendously improve my system, I found myself asking, hmm, what have I done and, maybe I should have invested more wisely.

Hopefully that is not the case for you but just wanted to help if possible. $7K is a lot of money to drop on a phono stage alone, and believe me I pine for a Aesthetix Rhea or Manley Steelhead but for now, I'm gonna live with my lesser stages.