Best Phono Preamp under $300 ?

Technics SL1200 Turntable
Audio Technica AT 440ML Cartridge
MIT Innerconnects & Speaker Cables
Acurus Amp/Preamp
Monitor Audio Speakers

Showing 2 responses by johnnyb53

11-16-09: Rootmann
He already has a Cambridge 640P. Look at his system.
D'oh! I keep forgetting to do that!

Then he already has the best phono preamp under $300 unless he lucks into a good used unit. The MF V-LPS may be a little better. I don't think you get consistently, noticeably better until you reach the $600 Musical Surroundings Phonomena II. Except for a very narrow set of circumstanaces, a Bellari is not going to overall best the 640P. And the Slee Gram Amp 2 SE @ $410 is more money but a lateral move in performance and loss of MC capability.