Best Pc for audio?

Hello, i want to know your thought about the best computers brand for audio purposes. You rather using a laptop, a mac or a desktop?

Showing 3 responses by jred

Hello all. 

I use a MacBook Pro. With a good quality USB cable. Twl discrete audio usb. For half the price audioquest black carbon is pretty close in SQ.

Though, I have one question for all. Isn’t WAV and AIFF the same SQ. Just a different name. Could be wrong here. Though AIFF is Apples own version of WAV. Yes???

I noticed this post is a bit old. Though you can get a refurbished MacBook Pro 2012 era for around 600.00  from Microcenter with a 1 year warranty. Drop another 600.00 on a Samsung SSD - 2 terabyte. All in one package.  No additional equipment is necessary. 
Not up too Roon yet. Though the majority approves. Still into purchasing physical format at the present.  

There is no definitive sound, or equipment that conquers all. Whatever draws one too the music is what matters. 


Once again your mileage may vary. Still using my MacBook Pro manufactured mid 2011 for all needs. Haven’t went to ssd yet. I’d rather buy a respectable PC or upgrade a component.  The original hard drive is still chugging along. Remarkably. 

Only one OS update hindered my laptop. All runs well now. Hey. If your set up works. That’s all that matters.