Best Passive Pre-amp with remote??

I need some help in finding a passive pre-amp with remote,
suggestions please.
Give the Coda Technologies FET Control Buffer O4r a try, although it probably doesn't fit the definition of a "pure" passive. c-j, Rowland, and I believe Levinson, to name a few are using similar technology and circuit design to the 04r's for the signal attenuation. In my opinion it's the best sounding way to do it. Regardless, I couldn't be more satisfied. Most whom have great passive preamps have found that the resolution, transparency & speed are unrivaled. You're on the right path, so long as your front end is up to the task.
Do you remember that "Aunt Corey's Passive..." article that Greenberg wrote for Stereophile? Well, this preamp has way more than a little in common with that circuit. Ask Eddie at Coda about that. Here's the link: .
What does passive preamp mean -- do not do anything to the sound -- make it only quiet!
If the voltage is high enough to feed power amplifier than we're good with only one stage of amplification. So it comes to true that if we're buying Placette or any passive preamp, we pay the bucks for(well said by Mikec)not doing anything with the signal!
I do respect and honor Placette, I love it's sound, but my mentality isn't allow me to spend money for what I can do myself.
You might try the adcom 750. Class A Stereophile, great review, etc. Has remote. Balance does not work in passive mode.
You can check out Audio Synthesis of UK "Passion Ultimate" remote passive. I have been using the ProPassion passive,i.e. single-input/single-otput but dual mono construction for the past 6 years and I can tell you that I am yet to come across a better, more accurate and very well build quality unit anywhere. The passive comes with all bulk-foil vishays (i mean each & every resistor) + WBT connectors and pure silver wiring. You can visit their website: and Dave Heaton is always a wonderful person to deal with. Most helpful and certainly highly recommended.