Best Online Music Retailers

OK, I did a quick search and could not find a thread on Agon dedicated to this topic, so apologies if this is a rehash. What are your favorite online music retailers and why? Best for physical media - records, CD's, XR and Gold CD's, SACD's and music videos? Best for Downloads? Very curious where others get their music online. Not interested in hearing about garage sales and brick and morter stores here - that is for another thread.
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Showing 1 response by fjn04

I also like Acoustic Sounds. Music Direct is good, but their catalogs are a bit much. Let me elaborate on that statement.
IMO- it seems like they go overboard on their descriptions of their albums sound quality. Acoustic Sounds seems to me, a bit more realistic in this respect. BTW, Barnes and Noble has a great amount of vinyl on their website as well. I think you will be surprised if you haven't checked them out. Last time I ordered, they had a free shipping promo. Cheers !!!