Best of Home Entertainment 2004 NY ?

Who rocked your world? And what stood out within the demo that really drew you into the music?

Showing 2 responses by ptmconsulting

JM Labs was impressive - big speakers in a big room with pronounced, defined bass. Don't try these babies in your average audiophile space.

I also thought the VR5's were very good, contrary to opinions expressed elsewhere.

The Wisdom/Halcro room is just another example that throwing big money at a system doesn't guarantee good (or even decent) sound.

SIlverline Bolero's sounded good with a brand new 805 tubed integrated - so new it was still butning off flux on Thursday.

Penaudio Charisma/Chara's sounded very fine. Too bad they look like they are made of matchsticks.

Totem was showing a mighty small speaker with a mighty big sound. Very impressed. And the room was tres cool too in a Tiki kind of theme.

Here's a link to my pics of the show.

MBL Room

The MBL's are there and looked very pretty in a shiny black and gold and huge and expensive kind of way. Yeah, their sound always impresses me every time I've heard them. Now I need to find a friend who could actually afford a setup like this and see what they can do in a real room.