Best new loudspeaker

I have heard many loudspeakers ,I own Magnapan , and
a Aerial 10-t . This new loudspeaker I heard at great lengths and many agree is from a new company called
NSR -Sonic Research the D-3 Sonata was absolutely killer
and they were saying the wiring and crossover are not even final as of the Jan show . parts quality is excellent in the Silver finish I saw,for a speaker under $5k to create such a soundstage presence with bass that had articulation and impact is beyond me how they do it ,I am told it is a
sealed focal lens .They will be selling by March ,I for sure will be saving my bucks, this is one loudspeaker to watch ,I am already selling my 10-ts.

Showing 3 responses by pjl2122

To all readers I am a dedicated audio systems builder for some 30 years now, I have seen and heard pretty much everything in the industry, this new Loudspeaker from
Nsr Sonic Research D-3 Sonata is a Brekthrough product .
The simplicity of the crossover with only 2 capacitors in the signal path of 4 drivers is a worthy accomplishment.
The patented sealed APL-Acoustical projection lens is
superb in it's articulation and lack of bloat even at the lowest of notes room dependant of course,also the Xover uses all quality parts such as Auricaps CAddock or Vishay resistors,. The Reference Xover is as good as any in the World it is a $900 upgrade using the Hand made Dueland
resistors and Copperfoil vsf capacitors which take 8 days
per batch to make and sonicly the best by far,the inducors are the superb Solen Hepalitz ,with custom multistrand wiring.These speakers are so refined that I feel they easily compete with any at 2x+ the price and I welcome anyone in the area to come have a listen .there are several reviews in the works .if you are thinking about buying a new speaker please don't overlook this transducer it would be a big mistake .even the standard model is now at least 15% better than the show examples that received many praise at the shows.
I thouhght it was my obligation to set the record straight on pricing and misinfomation thankyou. http://www.Hifidelityaudio
to Fla I am taking nothing away from the reference 3a for midrange sonic purity excellent the NSR sonic D-3 loudspeaker
with standard Xover which uses good quality parts is better balanced across the board especially in the tight Bass ,the ref 3a Decappo for instance may have a slight edge in transparancy, that is the only dept. When you add the Reference Xover in the mix Game over The Duelund vsf Copper caps ,and their resistors are the finest hand made products out there to complement the Solen Litz inductors this Xover uses no plastic whatsoever this is why it sounds so natural and completely hand soldered throughout -No current robbing circuit boards on any of their speakers, as you will see when the reviews come out in the next few months .
To you guys who feel you have to rap me ,I confess i do write late at night and make writting errors .What I do believe in is the products I sell .I am proud that I have ordered several of the Nsr Sonic D-3 and with 2 Audiogon members having the faith in what they have read and to hear them at the show to order them from me .I don't see why we cannot get along ,I truly believe they are by far the best loudspeaker to come along in a long time and I will even pay the Gas for someone to take the time to make the drive out in March when I get my Reference with the all Duelund setup.I hope this is plain enough, and as far as the Xover parts go I have several thousand of hours experience in comparing parts quality and the Duelands are by far the most natural to come along yet ,do your homework and you too will see what a lot of people are finding out, unless you have listened to these speakers and Xover parts first hand for at least several hours then you cannot give a educated opinion.