Best multi channel amp and processor good for 2 channel listening.

Hi All,

I am new to this forum and have a few questions in reference to HT processors.  I am starting from scratch and switching from a Krell S-1000 and S-1500.  I sold the processor a few months back and I going to list here the amp.

I am currently considering the new Bryston 9B3 and the SP4 and decision was based on upgrade ability and warranty. The speakers for HT will be Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home and for 2 channel Verity Otello’s.  My second choice was Classe but I was informed that they have all sales on hold, this is concerning.  I have not listened to either, my choice is based on reviews and the Bryston dealer.  My decision was also based they are both good for two channel, I am not set on this but it will help the budget and space.  I am looking for a warm and good over all sound; some might say 3 dimensional sound, clarity is also a factor.  Actually, all I’ve read in reference to Classe fits the bill.  I would like a couple of other choices to include in my short list and opinions are welcome. The budget for the processor and amp is approx. 22k.  

Thanks to all.....

Showing 31 responses by maguiar

Hi mzk,

I am thankful for your imput and this is exactly why I started this topic.  I am older and not technical at all but really love and appreciate good sound, so please bare with me.  

Originally, I was considering going with a good sounding quality amp maybe the Bryston 9B3 and the Anthem AVM 60, but would still need to add a 2 channel for music.  I’ve read the SP4 is good for 2 channel and considering Bryston’s future upgrades, this was considered.  Any suggestions on a good two channel amp for my Verity’s? I will also look into the Arcam you suggested. 

Any news on Classe? I spoke to one of their only dealer I found in my state and they are being kept in the dark, plus all orders were stopped for now.

To answer your question I am looking in having set up a 7.1 system. 

Thanks again,

Hi auxinput,

WOW, thanks a bunch for all this info., I sure can use it.  

Actually, I heard the Anthem AVM 60 a bit this pass weekend with some B&W’s in a HT setup and found it to be a bit bright. I don’t recall which model since I was not really there for that at the time.  I also heard a McIntosh MC452 since he did not have the 8207 in his showroom.  This amp was paired with Sonus Faber Olympica's which was my second choice for speakers, but left a bit disappointed since I found them to be lifeless, monotone, too laid back with the 452. I still love those Verity’s my God the sound, I have no words.  

On the bright side I have the opportunity to audition the Bryston gear at home which is helpful, but I was informed the 9B3 that will replace the 9bsst2 will not be available till April sometime.  I just added the SP3 to my short list,  I heard the SP3 will still be available along with the SP4.

Auxinput, what do you think about the Arcam AV860? MZK recommended it via this thread but did not find much on it. Does anyone have info. on this processor? 

Thanks again...


As I mentioned in this thread I am technically chalenged, when you mention fast, will this imply this amp can run quite a bit hot as well? I really would like to stay away from something that would run really hot. Also, what do you mean by 48khz for dac and high resolution at 24/96 etc.?

Sorry if I did not make myself clear.  I currently have the Sonus Faber’s for HT and will be buying the Verity’s for music only.  I would get a 7 channel system use 5 channels for HT and the other 2 channels for music listening. I will be connecting my Verity’s to the 2 extra channels. I believe if I invest in a good quality processor and amp I can pull this off and save space not having another unit. If I can’t find something that really captures the sound I am looking for then I would have to go a bit cheaper on HT and get an intergrated for 2 channel listening. Hope this clarifies things and of course your input will be welcomed.


I was left feeling the same way about McIntosh.  Sonus Faber was always a favorite of mine after years of auditioning but the McIntosh did them no justice.
My SF Homes which are at entry level sounded superior to the Olympica’s at 13k.
Actually, when I first heard the Olympica’s they were connected to a McIntosh and they sounded phenomenal to me, but probably Magnolia (Best Buy) hires a good set of hands to setup their gear.  I am not sure what happened but I could not believe what I was hearing, maybe I’ve come accustomed to the punch of the

As previously mentioned the Bryston is at the top of the list plus I can get a very good discount on it. The only concern I have if it’s too thin it will cause listening fatigue but as you mentioned pairing it with the SP3 might do the trick.  I am taking my time and researching to avoid a mistake since this will probably be my last purchase. I am having health issues and I don’t have the funds to maintain this hobby. I want to get good pieces that can carry me for the next 10 years if possible.

Thanks again,


Hi Soix,

I totally understand what you are saying but at this time they will be in the same area. This scenario might change in the future because I am thinking of relocating next year.

I also understand mixing my Verity’s with my stereo gear may not be wise and this is why I started this thread for suggestions and help. As I mentioned I love good sounding music but I am not technical at all and don’t want to be at the mercy of a hungry salesperson.  Don’t get me wrong I have some knowledge plus I am going crossed eye on reading so much material on this stuff.  Actually, someone just suggested the Luxman L 509X intergrated amp for the Verity’s of which I just started to read on.  I may consider buying something used for HT and put most of my money on the the stereo side.

Reference the SF GP, I thought about selling them and just keeping the Verity’s but I do not see a center for the Verity’s which is important to me.  If I can match a center channel that is considerably close in sound I will consider selling the GP.
Once I get the Verity’s home I will listen to the tonality of both and if they are close I can keep my SF center channel with Verity’s and sell the GP.  Just one step at a steps.....

Any suggestions on any the Luxman or any other intergrated?

Thanks a bunch...

To all,

I am more into sound quality, 3 dimensional surrounding sound and clarity, tube like quality.  If anyone here had 23k for a HT and something for music listening what would be your choices? I am opened on all choices including used gear.

I really rather spend most of my money on the music side of things like the Luxman L509x and something reasonable but good for home theater, please elaborate in simple terms how this all will come together.  So far Bryston, Krell, Marantz, Arcam and Nad seem to be good choices for HT, but what amps? 
I really need help from all since you have a lot more experience and knowledge on this stuff.  I would really be gratefull for all the I can get.....

Sorry but I am lost here...  The Luxman I listed is an intergrated amp not a processor and the Parasound is a 3 channel amp.  I mentioned the Luxman for 2 channel stereo listening, so what processor would I be using here? What about the other 4 channel amp? 
In reality it’s two separate systems, the two channel will be via an intergrated amp.
Room is not an easy one since my living room area runs openly to the dining and foyer.  The system is going in my 19.5 x 21 living area and the dining is 19.5 x 14, all this is wide open and runs into each other.  Almost forget to mention the ceiling is a little over 9ft.
I believe that is what the dealer mentioned. Keep in mind they are doing all the setup and calibrations. The Luxman was his idea but I will looking into others.

I can see that and I also understand not everyone will interpret or hear the same way.  I am still going to audition the Bryston, as I stated originally a 20 year warranty is not to be taken lightly....


I was just reading about the Benchmark. What do you think about the Belles, Simaudio and McCormack?
I was offered a 3 year old demo Plinius Odeon multi channel amp at $9.8 and a Audio Control Maestro 9 at $8.9 but not convinced on the Audio Control.  So far the Plinius has very good reviews but not sure about the asking price.  

Also, would like to thank you all for all the input you have provided.....

Hi Audiotroy,

Thanks for the info., I will dig I little more on the maestro.  I have done so much reading that it’s overwhelming.  I really would like something that is also good for 2 channel listening, otherwise I would have to get a separate intergrated amp.  If I have to go this route I would have to go with something more economical for HT.
It is something I would need to hear before buying.  Also, will need to know if this is something I can pair with the Verity Otello number one and Sonus Faber Grand Piano Home’s in case I decide to keep the SF without problems.  I will check if I can audition these in my area..

Thanks again

I have owned high end audio but I am not technical at all plus I do not experiment with audio. I usually have my systems installed by professionals.  I do understand about the 2 channel preamp with bypass based on your explanation but lost on the other channels needed for 5 or seven channel HT.  What are you trying to state with the last paragraph? Are you saying it will sound just as good with my speakers?  I am talking about ohms, dB and wattage to be compatible with my speakers.
Dave I just gave you a call and your mail box is ful.  My number is 813-651-2527

Hi frostdot,

What Sonus Faber do you like? I have an old pair of Grand Piano’s and still love them. I recently heard the Verity’s and fell in love all over again but I am thinking of still keeping the Sonus Faber for my Home Theatre and the Verity Otello’s for 2 channel. 

I am seriously considering the SP3 or SP4 but not sure which one. I am not going beyond 7.1, so what do you think? Maybe the SP3 with 4K? Any suggestions on the 2 channel amp to pair with this?
Hi m-dB,

I am with you up to the tube part.  I contemplated a tube at first but don’t want to deal with the maintenance.  I am confident I can find a ss that can come close to a tube sound. Actually, I am currently researching T&A, Accuphase, Esotéric and my favorite so far Luxman. 

I am not sure what you mean by mixing speakers. I am considering keeping my Sonus Faber for surround and the Verity’s for music.
Hi delancey,

Let me start by thanking you for your response...  

Let me start by saying what a change of heart I’ve had since the beginning of this thread and this came about from all the research and information I have been given “one big step”. I came to the realization that it would be best to separate ht  from music listening and use most of the budget towards music. 

I have narrowed down my home theater processor to the Arcam AV860 or the Audio Control Maestro M9, I believe I can get a good deal on either one. The seven channel amp is still up in the air. I might just use the corresponding amps for these two or go for a Bryston amp due to their unbeatable warranty. 

For audio I am still researching but have a short list T&A, Esoteric, Accuphase and Luxman. I actually went to my first audio show this past weekend in Tampa, Florida and felt like a kid in a candy I did get to listen to the Luxman 
L 509x with the Harbeth S-HL5 and blew me away, the fullness, richness, clarity, nothing was missing. Let me tell you the Harbeth can give those Verity Otello’s a run for their money to the point I am torned between the two, will see. Unfortunately, did not see Accuphase or T&A there for a listen. Esoteric was combined with others in one big room and could not listen to them either.

Anyway, your two cents will be greatly appreciated with the decisions above.

Hi audiotroy,

You included three scenarios and I am still undecided between option 1 and 3.

I included the Arcam because the price point is not bad at all. The Audio Control may be a bit much, I might have to revisit this decision after purchasing the music side or getting something used. I would like to stay under 5k for the multi channel processor.

What do you guys think of the NAD M17 V2? I am also being steered towards the Anthem AVM 60 and Marantz AV8805, but still think the Arcam may be better.

Hi guys,

I just realized I am being addressed as a male in this thread. I understand that this hobby is dominated by the male gender but you will find women that appreciate this hobby as well.  I am actually a 57 year old women that appreciates good sounding music. 

Alkaloid, sorry but sticking to my budget....   I do have the Bryston and ATI in my multi channel amp short list and would like to add a couple more. Any suggestions here?
Hi Delancey,

I know this question has come up many times but with different opinions. In your opinion what do you think effects the sound quality the most, amp or pre?
Hi Delancey,

Thanks for your response...  Your explanation makes total sense even not being a technical person like myself. I am still torn on the hook setup that audiotroy mentioned on 02/15/19 and you pr input will be greatly appreciated. 

I have actually pushed the purchase date to June/July, so I have plenty of time to continue my research. What do you think about Vinnie Rossi, Audionet and Aavik?

Unfortunately had a bit of a financial set back and need to recoup.  I am hopeing to resolve this by the end of the year.  Anyway, I have decided to go with the Pass XA 30.8 and the XP22 for my music.  For the home theatre I am leaning towards the Parasound A51 and the latest Marantz.

Has anyone owned or auditioned any Backert Labs gear? I am a bit curious..

Thanks for the advice, will look into Coda.  

I get a good feeling based on reviews and specs that Backert is good stuff and cheaper than the Pass XP22. I would like to audition it at some point prior to my purchase. I think it would pair nicely with the XA 30.8 and I can save money.
I wonder if they offer loaners for a trial period..