Best movies last two years

I haven't watched many dramas lately. Best was "Love Song for Bobby ...".

What have you enjoyed ?

Showing 2 responses by fotis_k

Ok, it's not a new movie, but one of the best movies I believe I'll ever watch and certainly have watched in the last two years is 'Withnail and I.' Darker British humour, and an absolute favorite. It's about two starving, substance abusing actors who go to the English country for a weekend of quiet. It's not slapstick, but rather intelligent humor. An absoluts classic and also on the Criterion list.
If anyone else has heard of it, I'd be curious as to your thoughts.
'Hotel Rwanda' is a great movie also.

Watched 'Polar Express' a couple of days ago, another great film, destined to become a family classic.

I'm surprised nobody has mentioned 'Life Aquatic,' again not your average comedy. A great story with some of the best characters to grace any movie in years.

Boa2, I will definately watch 'How to Get Ahead in Advertising.' If it's half as good as 'Withnail' I'll enjoy it immensely.

Great post -it proves there is life beyond audio...