Best monitors under $5,000/system combos

I want to build a new system around a high quality small monitor. I'm thinking of the SF Cremona Audtor, the Dynaudio Special 25, or the De Capio MM i. I also want to keep the electronics small but high quality. I'm open to tubes, but prefer the simplicity of solid state.

I live where little gear is avaiable. We have an AR dealer who sells Pro Ac, and a Classe dealer who sells B&W. There is also a dealer who sells Bryston and PMC.

I'm leaning toward the SF speakers with Carey tube amps, or if I go solid state, the Pass 150.5 and a Pass preamp.

I know this is a very broad question, but if there is someone who can point to me in one direction or another (either to or away from something), I'd be grateful.

I listen mostly to piano music, opera, and chamber music of all sorts. Once in a while some jazz. I also listen to coral music of all sorts. Seldom any rock.

I just sold a system consisting of Bryston electronics, MG 3.6R speakers, a Oracle Delphi table.

Thanks everyone.

I can't recommend a particular amp, but you should strongly consider the Green Mountain Audio "Callisto" speakers (around $2300/pair). A good tube amp would make for a stunning combination.
You might also look into Harbeth, especially for the kinds of music you listed. They also work well with solid state. I have the SHL5s- very natural sounding with zero listening fatigue. Depending on your preferences, the Harbeth's will be less forward than the Dynaudio's and Reference 3a's and less picky about matching gear. I also use the Carolina Audio JTMs- technically floorstanders but take up less space than most monitors. These are the most satisfying speakers I have owned for a small room- unlike other single driver speakers, these work equally well with solid state or higher output tubes. One last thought- there is an interesting thread on Audio Circle about the active NHT Xd satelite/sub system with DEQX crossovers. Will retail for about 5K- looks like a very promising approach.
SF cremona auditor, Dyne C1 and Harbeth are just a few very good speakers mentioned in this thread - definitely worth checking out with the PASS amp. Just would like to add FOCUS Audio 688 monitor speakers. If you can locate a dealer, try to listen to them and you might be surprised at how good these little speakers are.

I went through this stage six months ago and I chose Focus. YMMV as usual
The caravelle's are simply amazing. I have owned them now for 6 months. Bested Hales 5's, diapason adamontes II, spendor, maggies, etc. that I have owned. I brought them over to a audiophile that owns Wilson Maxx's - honestly the Caravelles do things the Maxx's don't...They are a steal at $5k imho. You have go to give them a listen. You will really like them. High resolution, but VERY smooth and non-fatiguing! Soundstage like you won't beleive and dissapear like crazy. They will let you listen in your home. Email the others who own them. They are serious .speakers for seasoned audiophiles. My music is classical 80%, jazz 20%...mostly cd. Oh, one other thing that I forgot to mention that I think is the most important....they are dynamic, very dynamic which is why I think they are so engaging. Music is all about dynamics (obviously with proper timber, which these have) and the Caravelles have it. By the way, I was a CSO goer for about 7 years...
I forgot to mention, they do big orchestral NO PROBLEM> They play really loud with no distortion - blew away my freind who owns the him, hifimaniac - he is listening to them now with Krell. I own all VAC equip - great tube gear that is NOT tubey sounding (3D airy solid state anyone?). Waiting on arrival of latest VAC Integrated PHI - Email me with questions if you like...