Best Monitor Up To 5K - Tube Friendly

I've put together a nice little home office system, but feel that my weakest link right is my monitors. This new system is: Cary SLI-80, Cary CD-303, Silverline SR15's, Soliloquy S-10 sub and Chang conditioner (DH Labs Q-10 biwire and Air Matrix).

Although I am extremely happy with the Silverlines, and they soundstage their ass off, I would like something with a much heavier bottom end. The office is rather smallish, about 11X16, and integrating the S-10 has been difficult.

My problem in bringing the S-10 up to around 70hz is that it makes it's location known. Two octaves in the other direction (50hz) and the thing vanishes. Since I do not have the liberty to mess around with placement, the only thing I can think to do is spend more $$$ on a better pair of monitors.

Let me know what some of you "fans" of this type setup think.



Showing 1 response by snooker14

Marchman: I have the same electronics in my home office system. Using a Cardas golden cross IC to hook th SLI-80 to the CD303. I had Oval 9 biwire but I am using a homemade speaker cable at the moment. For speakers I have a pair of B&W 805N. The room is almost 20ft square with several bumps and shape changes, and a full cathedral ceiling. Unfortunately I have not tried any other speakers yet in this system, so I cannot compare. All I can say is the bass is good and the listening is very pleasureable, BUT: I am an audiophile, so as soon as I can justify it, I will start trying other speakers. The oldest thing in this system is the speaker set, almost three years!
I don't think I have helped you much, but I think it would be reasonable for you to try a pair of 805Ns in your might like it.