Best monitor for under $1500?

Need some advice from all of you. I have just built a project studio in my basement and I am in the market for some really accurate studio monitors. I have up to $1500 to spend, prefer to buy used = more value for the money. How about some recommendations. I already have a pair of small nearfields, and I am looking for something that can give me accurate bass down to at least 35hz. I know a guy who would sell me a pair of Cello Legends for approx. $1900, but that's just a little out of my price range. He also has some PMC FB1+ for $1500, but I'd prefer speakers I can mount on the wall. Thanks in advance.

Showing 1 response by hh4628783

Before buying any product you should know about the product well. The main thing while buying monitor is that you are buying the latest version of monitor. For this you should get information first about monitor.