Best mid-size speaker, cost no object

Hello all,

I am looking for some ideas as to the best mid-size speaker available (i.e., < 54" in height and 250 lbs in weight per speaker). In particular, I may be moving to a new, smaller residence in the near future, which would force me to part with my Genesis 300s for something a little more reasonable. So far, I have listened to, or plan to demo, the Avalon Eidolon, Vandersteen 5, and Meadowlark Nightingale. I have also heard good things about the Piega P-10 and Verity Parsifal Encore. Any other suggestions?

Rest of the system (if you are interested):
Silver Rock Pot
Audiocom'ed Sony SCD-1
Dodson 217 MKII D
Verdier/SPJ/Magnum Opus phono
Silversmith cables

Thanks in advance for your comments.

Showing 3 responses by fmpnd

a Starbucks Grande Americano!!!

After returning from CES, I can reiterate what I have always thought about this hobby - that we all hear differently and we all have different tastes and different frames of reference (not to mention the unique nature of our system synergy and room interaction). Consequently, I try to qualify all my statements with this in mind and try never to make absolute statements like "Speaker A sucks" or "CDP B is the best" I also try to refrain from putting down anyone's system as their system is based on their tastes and budget constraints. Don't get me wrong, I AIN'T the politically correct type, I just think this hobby is far too subjective for such absolutes.

I had to laugh when, on Saturday at CES, I witnessed two gentleman listening in a room where I was standing behind them. When they had listend to 2 or 3 songs, I talked to them separately outside of the room and asked what they thought of what they had heard. Paraphrasing what they said, one said the bass was bloated and too "big" and the other said he loved the sound but thought the bass was weak and thin!! I had to laugh. Was either wrong? IMHO - No. Was either right? IHMO - they both were because that is what THEY heard.

I also witnessed again first hand how much some "audiophiles" (sorry for the expletive) get so offended and take it so personally when someone else does not like or share the same opinion of their gear.

I noticed above that Peter said he thought the Kharma Midi-Grands had a nice tonal balance but too much bass. Forgetting whether I share that opinion, I could ask how they could have tonal "balance" if the bass was out of proportion. But why should I? I am not picking on Peter's opinion. JUST the opposite, I am saying that I have no doubt he heard it that way and he liked the Eidolon's better - and he sould not have to defend that opinion or worry if I or anyone else thinks differently. Peter also astutely noted that the room may have contributed to what he percieved as the problem. (BTW Peter, I too enjoyed the Eidolons [as well as the Kharmas]).

In the end, what I was MOST amazed by at CES, however, is that for a 48 year old guy like me who remembers the days of Marantz, SAE, Heath Kits, Dynaco and Tech HiFi where, although some of those designs may have been timeless, we had very little choices compared to the INCREDIBLE selection of different gear of all types and at all price points that we have today!! For me, that is what I am thankful for. My hat's off to all the gifted and dedicated designers and music lovers at CES!

Sorry for venting, I am OK now, I have taken my meds!

PS -- Spudco, any guy who rocks out on Tower of Power is my kinda guy!! Rocco, Doc, Mimi, Dave and the gang can sure funk like nobody else!!!
Peter, I didn't take your post as absolutist at all, just your opinion. And I also understood your statement on the Kharmas (so I hope you didn't think I was being critical). Myself, I am sad to say that I was underwhelmed by most of the megakilobuck speakers that I heard (even taking into consideration show conditions and the point of diminishing returns which I believe is inherent in high end audio) and I was actually looking for new speakers.

I am fortunate in that the Kharma Midi-Grands that were at CES are coming to my home tomorrow so I can hear them in my system and in my room. I wish I could hear the Eidolons side by side.

