Best Mid-Priced DVD/SACD/DVD-A/HDCD Player?

Hello all, I'm looking to buy a multi player. Any suggestions? New or used...

As a side question, when I get this unit. Can I use both dig outs at the same time? I'd like to feed one into (a to be purchased tube DAC) for stereo music playback and then the other into my Cary Cinema 11 pre-pro for multi channel stuff. Will this work on most units?

Showing 1 response by goatwuss

The onkyo OP1000 is a great player (great BUILD as well, easily as good as a "high end" brand) if you don't mind wearing a "onkyo" badge ( :

Redbook sounds even better than my prior Jolida JD100 (I A/Bed before I sold the Jolida). A bit cleaner with a tad more resolution