BEST match for B&W Natilus 802s

i am seriously considering buying these speakers solely on the combination with classe amp. for me the combination can sound a bit analytical and too precise. has anyone heard a good amp around classe range with the 802s? please let me know

Showing 1 response by king50508eb3

B&W's 800 Series Speakers driven by Krell is a match made in heaven. Listen for yourself. Classe and Musical Fidelity are distant seconds. The new Krell Evolution series is in a league of its own as is their Master Reference Series. I'm useing a new SACD Standard/KAV Amp. into a pair of N803s in a large room and the sound is jaw-dropping good. The people on this board that knock Krell have obviously never listened to it (probably because they could never afford it), let alone paired with the new B&W 800 Series Speakers. There can by no doubt that Krell sets the standard to which all other hi-fi manufacturers are judged by. Buying a Krell is like buying an S-Class Mercedes or a Rolex, it's a no-brainer purchase that you will never regret - if you could afford the best of the best!