Best Manufacturer's Website Features

What features do you like to see when you visit audio or video manufacturer's website?

Many Audiogon members spend a lot of time looking at manufacturer's websites. Hear is a post to list those features that you would like to see on ALL manufacturer's websites. Maybe we'll get lucky and a few manufacturers will actually look at this post.

Here's my list:

Essential features
* Suggested retail prices for ALL products
* An accurate list of dealers and what part of the line each one carries
* Links to the dealer's website if they have one
* Multiple view pictures of all of the products for sale
* Full Technical Specifications for all products

Optional, but nice features
* PDF versions of the owner's manuals
* Information on discontinued products
* PDF versions of the product brochures

Showing 1 response by twl

I'd like to have rapid access to product info, and rather not have to wait around for fancy animated graphics and Macromedia Flash displays to load. It is a waste of time.

I want good photos, and easy access to the needed information.