Best Male Singers of the 20th Century

There is an interesting current discussion about the best female vocalists on CD. I have my own ideas about the best male singers (any category) of the 20th Century, but would like to hear other opinions.

Showing 3 responses by timwat

Rayhall - my "nominees" were intended in jest. Rob and Fab were Milli Vanilli, and Eddie Mahoney (aka Money) was...well, best appreciated on a set of Bose 501's.
Rob Pilatus and Fabrice Morvan. After all, they won a Grammy as "Best new artist" in their day. Along the same lines, Eddie Money, Andrew Ridgeley and Falco. Freddy Mercury gets posthumous honorable mention for best overbite. William Shatner hands down for dramatic interpretation. Whoops, sorry...wrong thread.
Rayhall - very interesting comments. From what little I've read, Sinatra was gracious and kind to Connick. I heard the 1st time Connick performed in front of the Chairman, he totally choked, clammed the song and had to start over again, having humiliated himself in front of his Idol and Demigod. Sinatra apparently was encouraging and gentle...perhaps the way one is with inept children. Now, don't all nuke me...I'm certainly not implying Connick is either inept or immature. But I would acknowledge there is much truth in Rayhall's observation about disparity between the accolade "best" and a blatantly derivative artist. BTW, I'm going to tell the Chairman (via the 800-psychic hotline) that you're placing Nat in front of him and he may send Jimmy Hoffa after you...